Health Services


We provide all inoculations to active duty service members, retirees, and dependents. Flu shots are administered seasonally to all patients. Allergy services, including testing and shots, are available through a primary care manager referral.

Book your immunizations appointments online through the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal.

Influenza Vaccine Update

Please follow the guidance in Keesler’s Immunizations Pamphlet to get the flu vaccine here at Keesler Medical Center/81st Medical Group.

Flu Vaccinations Outside of Keesler Medical Center

When you get a flu vaccine anywhere besides Keesler Medical Center/81st Medical Group, follow your service’s policy guidance for recording the vaccine in your shot record. You'll need the following information:
  • The date the vaccine was given
  • The vaccine name or code
  • Manufacturer
  • Lot number

School Immunizations

Keesler is gearing up for back-to-school Immunizations.

COVID-19 Vaccine Update

The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is available for ages 6 months to adult. Vaccines are administered by appointment only; call 228-376-2273 to schedule.
Do you have orders to deploy, or are you in- or out-processing? Service members with orders and who are deploying within 30 days can walk in for immunizations, Monday – Friday, 7:45 – 9 a.m., and noon – 1 p.m.
Occupational Health
For Hepatitis B vaccines and TB skin tests for healthcare workers, walk-in 7:45 a.m. - 8:15 a.m. & 12 p.m. - 1 p.m.
No TB testing/reads on Thursdays or holidays.

Contact Us




Monday – Friday
8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Closed on weekends, federal holidays, family days, and for training the third Thursday of each month


Ground Floor, behind the escalators take a left up the ramp

Keesler Immunizations Pamphlet

Don't forget to keep your family's information up-to-date in DEERS.